Sunday, October 08, 2006

How can you kill, what has no life?

If you're here for my sensational interview with Lorekeep, you can just skip to the bottom of the post. Just to alleviate any confusion - it should be said that The Process forums are UP and will remain so. If there are any more developments, I shall endeavour to keep you aprised.

Also, Kaptain Kris (Overstreet) is away at a con until Monday night - so naturally, don't expect the updates for Magnificient Milkmaid or Chocolate Milkmaid until sometime after then... but there was still an update for Peter Is The Wolf...

Item One
: Some youtube boobs.

Item Two: Busty space Amazon.

Item Three: Some GTS/Shrinking from Ultimate Book Of Spells, found by Teknoman.

Item Four: Animewolf finds some Alice in Wonderland type Giantess stuff.

Item Five: Kulli gives us some quite extreme FMG/BE.

Item Six: Some form of growth program, I haven't checked it out yet but it sounds good.

Item Seven: Gettar gives some more quite extreme FMG.

Item Eight: Arthax found a video of magical girl transformations.

Item Nine: Brother's Grinn draw a night elf/orc hybrid with BOOBS.

Item Ten: Some guy called Shiro - have I linked this before? Anyway, there's some TF sequences.

Item Eleven
: Wilma Flinstone FMG'd courtesy of Yatz.

Item Twelve: I think this is an FMG'd and BE'd Kasumi, I think.

Item Thirteen: Another FMG'd anime character.

Item Fourteen: Look at boobs and maybe help cure cancer (really) at the fifth national BOOBIE-THON.

Item Fifteen: Guess who did a four page transformation? No? Manic did.

Item Sixteen: Agent Dee has put together some rather lovely animated gifs of jiggling boobs from both Elvira and Stripperella.

Item Seventeen: Just a reminder for you writers - there is just ONE MONTH left to write your award winning entries for The Overflowing Bra Lusty Busty Story Contest.

Item Eighteen: In my journeys through the myriad paths of infinity, I have seen the first and the last - but this week I found a kind of BE via boob job clip from Everyone Loves Raymond.

Item Nineteen: Some nice jiggling from the babes of DOA.

Item Twenty: If you're going to cop a feel - probably best not to try it with Leifang.

Item Twenty One: Sitiofan has a video of some big boob strippers walking down the street.

Item Twenty Two: BE Blue Rice Child.

Item Twenty Three: Bakunyuu Fantasy 2 - big boobs.

Item Twenty Four: Diana Ross BE found by Danorr88.

Item Twenty Five: Couple of BE things.

Item Twenty Six: Wonderful BE scene.

Item Twenty Seven: BE Alchemist - BE manga.

Here we go with the interview - it was done before the forum was resurrected so, forgive the reference to The Process in the past tense:

Prophet Tenebrae: Lorekeep, The Process was around - in one form or another for ten years. I've been with the community a long time and I struggle to recall its exact origins... perhaps you can give us a brief walk through of the origin of the site, and it's history.

Lorekeep: The site started with a simple desire to put on the web my interests since there was no specific site that catered to the process of transformation. The name was always apparent to me, and it certainly has that "Snakes on a Plane" quality to it. I was a pretty dumb kid back then though, and certainly had looser morals, as I posted other people's work without regard to things like copyright and permissions.

That eventually changed and I try to be strict on what I post, making sure I give credit where it is due. Eventually the site got a little fancier and I tried to do some more trickier HTML, but then I hit college and eventually it became a tradeoff between life and the online life. That persists even to this day! I never advanced very far with web code.

Back when Transfur was hosting websites, I hooked up with them and hung on to that space for quite some time. After Transfur liquidated its web space, I was homeless for awhile before hooking up with Blar of GTS-Depot. I eventually paid for some expensive forum software since I was all about the "I wish I could upload files to a forum" that had been missing from previous Process forums. That brings us to today.

PT: Naturally, I have to ask about the recent occurrences at The Process -
what precipitated its sudden demise?

LK: My forum had been down for weeks, which I think has become more critical than the website itself since a community had drawn around it. The fact the forum updates far more than I did was also huge to me. My server admin was nowhere to be found for quite some time. This had happened several times before and I had pretty much had it.

I wouldn't call it "demise" though. In the 24 hours that the site's been down, I've seen some pretty impressive things happened that sort of renewed my faith in what I was doing.

UPDATE: After another day or two, the admin showed back up, and we had a long talk. Things were cleared up and he expressed a strong desire to keep me aboard. So, I left the website down, brought the forums back (which I know caused a collective cheer amongst everyone and you), and the server is going to get an upgrade to fix all the forum issues people have been having.

PT: How do you think the Process existed in relation to other sites in the community? Did you consider it a community hub?

LK: I think until the forum came along with its upload capability, I couldn't really define what the community aspect of the site was. I felt like I was a satellite to all the purist sites that catered specifically to one interest. I'm an outcast even in the fetishes I love the most!

If the forum kept going, I would certainly call that forum a community hub and home to many. That was something I wanted to be: Unique. We had our own celebrities, our own running gags, and all of it with a Smile.

PT: The Process forums was very popular - what would you attribute that success to?

LK: Being able to upload files! Seriously, it's night and day. If people can post their work on there without hassle or going through other services, then that's huge. The funny shit was people would still do that to be generous and try to save me bandwidth. Probably smart given that every evening the forum got so many hits it'd be temporarily unavailable.

PT: You didn't seem to participate a great deal in the forums on your own site, why is that?

LK: I'm a voyeur. I like to pipe up when someone contributes something particularly great or notable, but I've never been about engaging in lengthy online discussions or being a forum person. There's always that fear I'll say something that will aggravate your average internet fucktard (like that), and I've had my fair share of it when interacting with people before. So I let my actions speak a bit louder.

PT: Tell us a little about Lorekeep the person - how'd you get started in the scene?

LK: Fascination with magic, imagination and fantasy as a kid mixed with puberty's "I must fuck everything." produced a love of change!

PT: Perhaps give us an insight into the depravities of Lorekeep?

LK: I'm finding humiliation and other aspects related to the psychological part of the change to become more important to me. Nothing takes a good picture and makes it great like embarrassment or some mind-game that's being played.

I can't seem to commission anything without Japanese girls or platforms involved in some fashion. With all this fantasy a man has got to have something achievable and that would be it. It's like eating french fries without ketchup: Sure, the fries are great, but man, ketchup would make it better.

PT: Looking back over your 10 years of The Process - what kind of feelings do you have and what do you think you learned?

LK: I feel that I've provided something unique and I'm proud of that, and only wish that life were fair and that I could be both respected in life for my contributions there and not have to think that all of this could come back to bite me in the ass should I ever be successful.

As far as what I learned, I've learned just how lazy I can be! But also that each of us has another half that shouldn't make someone else think less of you.

PT: Any people that you would care to single out for outstanding services to The Process or any plugs that you'd like to give?

LK: Sutibaru's been great. The guy's a friggin' monster for content donations, and really is the type of person I should be.

Miranda Leigh is also very great, and I'm glad my constant pickiness with regards to platforms has improved how she draws shoes! I feel like I've helped her along in her online career from my forum.

People like Kricket, Memopad, Jollyjack, Wolfman, Case Scenario and other contributing artists to the forum were all great and I thank them for taking the time to share their works with everyone in the community. These are the people that make me want to keep going knowing they are around.

Anyone else I haven't mentioned ... you're all great!

Running the site for so long has convinced me that no matter how small a person, they can have a big influence.

PT: If and when The Process returns, do you have any idea in which kind of
direction you're going to take the site?

LK: The forum will work. It will not go down. I want to have a reliable forum more than anything else. As far as the main website, I am probably going to get involved with some other people and setup a type of easily updatable system that would allow me to enter a file name, add a comment and upload it. I think traditional website design is dead, and that's where my site was, being updated in Microsoft Word after I forgot how to make good HTML. It took many hours to do a high-quality update, and that was a huge deterrent for me.

I want all original content too. That's the hardest, because it's expensive to give so much of yourself to your passion with little return. But if you're going to go back, I want you to think "this is shit hot!" I'm all about the presentation.

Seriously folks, you want to draw for The Process? The offer's always been there, just not many have come forward. I'm also finding money is just not enough of a motivator for most.

Maybe a little less shrinking though. That's my primary fetish and too often my commission work would feature it.

PT: Thanks for your time Lorekeep, I hope The Process isn’t away too long.

And what do you know? It wasn't! Hoorah... ok, that's all for now...

End transmission.


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