Monday, November 20, 2006

First time in years, to drench your skin in lover's rosy stain.

This week we got a letter from Bill, Wolverhampton about FTF10's webhost.

"Dear Prophet Tenebrae,

Your new site is not quite the faster. Whyer is that? Are your interner boxes not as fasterer anymore? Have you changed to the worserer webhost? I hate this new bad webhost!"


"Dear Bill,

Sadly, my webhosting is not the problem.. in fact... best we not talk about webhosts and such because Dreamhost fucked me over when I bought the domain. This is why FTF10 is not as fast as you'd like,

Kind regards,

Prophet Tenebrae"

Naturally... I've received other questions about the webhosting and such... but PLEASE... let me assure you... that regardless of minor issues, FTF10 is doing FINE... and, well, did we not ask you for complaints to be issued? We did.

All we got was Bill, complaining about the "boxter" of our webhost. Which is fair enough, I know three or four seconds is A LONG TIME to wait.

Still, head to FTF10 for the latest. You might even like it better than this.

End Transmission.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is going to seem so biggoted since this is the first time I've posted and it's only to ask what happened to make the update this late, Prophet. I do really appreciate your doing this, though. It's like Shadowlurker has come back.

3:30 pm  
Blogger Prophet Tenebrae said...

Uh... we moved to and it just seemed to be doing fine.

4:33 pm  

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