I'm here in my official capacity as BE Story Club Editor to announce the 2006 BE story contest.
The prizes!
First place:
Will be paid 1.5 cents a word, they will be granted a one year free membership to not just the BE Story Club but also to the entire BEA - worth over $230! In addition to this, the author will have their story illustrated 100% more than a regular BE club story - with ten illustrations total. Not only that but the author will have the exclusive right to describe the appearance of each and everyone of the scenes they choose to be illustrated to one of the BE Story Club’s top artists.
Second place:
Will be paid 1.5 cents a word, they will be granted a one year free membership to not just the BE Story Club but also to the entire BEA - worth over $230! In addition to this, the author will have their story illustrated more than a regular BE club story - with eight illustrations total. Not only that but the author will have the exclusive right to describe the appearance of each and everyone of the scenes they choose to be illustrated to one of the BE Story Club’s top artists.
Third place:
Will be paid 1.5 cents a word, they will be granted a one year free membership to not just the BE Story Club but also to the entire BEA - worth over $230! In addition to this, the author will have their story illustrated more than a regular BE club story - with seven illustrations total. Not only that but the author will have the exclusive right to describe the appearance of each and everyone of the scenes they choose to be illustrated to one of the BE Story Club’s top artists.
All stories that are accepted for the club will get the regular fee and illustration.
All other stories will be displayed in the free area of the Story Club.
Judging Criteria:
Stories will all be judged out of five on the following criteria.
1. Spelling, punctuation and grammar.
2. Plot.
3. Structure.
4. Characterisation.
5. Sexiness.
Rules concerning submission are as follows:
1. All stories must be no less than 5,000 words in length.
2. Entries can be submitted immediately to . The deadline for submissions is midnight GMT on April 30th.
3. All stories must contain BE as a main - and not ancillary – story element.
4. Stories may not have been published or distributed anywhere else.
5. All stories will be edited and published for the BE story club - free or member areas - at the discretion of the BESC.
6. All winning and accepted stories will be subject to the regular terms and conditions of the BE story club. In the result of a contestant not responding - the story will default to BESC ownership.
Any questions can be directed to the submission address.
The best of luck to all contestants.