Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A friend sent me this link today... I haven't seen it anywhere around yet...

I hope you'll find it suitably amusing:


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Morning gang,

Lovely sunny Shrove Tuesday here (Mardi Gras outside the British Empire) and let's see what goodies we have today... well, we've got the weekly updates of Stellar and Chocolate Milkmaid over at WLP and of course thanks to Kris, Manic and Evhor for that.

And a few more things that I forgot to include in my initial summation -

Alpha Luna which is a werewolf webcomic by the wonderful artist of that genre, Loboleo

Lunar Diaries a werewolf webcomic from long time TF artist Havoc.

Shifters a (you guessed it) werewolf webcomic that kind of bounces around in mood

Undead Robot No werewolves, just fanfic with expanding bosoms and great morphs from Galvatron and story from Angelus.

I'll add those all to the permanent links in the next day or so.

Also I should add - anyone that want to make updates to the blog should e-mail me at prophet.tenebrae@gmail and then I'll invite them to join.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Let's see... I've included a brief list of links that - to the extent of my limited awareness - comprise the main groups covering BE/FMG/TF. It goes without saying that the forums of The Process, Amaz0ns, BEA and TOB are all gold mines for content.

I'd say that WLP and Stone Of Adventure both offer your best chance for regular weekly updates and both of them are home to superfantastic comics. Stellar, Chocolate Milkmaid, Peter is the Wolf and (currently) PeEVEed are all simply fantastic not just in terms of art but their writing and humour as well.

Litch Art - home of the Litch. He's not quite so regular - maybe once every couple of weeks but that boy goes crazy. Comics, requests and morphs.

These are certainly stalwart pillars of the community and we should all be thankful that such talented contributors provide their work to us for free!

Gone Wild is from the artist (Mammabliss) behind BiggerBiggerBigger I'm aware that the style of art won't be to everyone's liking but then you won't know if you don't try.

I think I'll shamelessly plug this blog to some other people... get the word out and so on. Any suggestions and so on as to content and stuff, great.

Also - I should add that I am the Editor of the BE Story Club. So if you feel that you're capable of writing something 10,000+ words long, in reasonably good English where a woman's breasts get bigger - and feel like having said work illustrated and getting paid 1.5 cents (US) per word. Send it to and I'll let you know if it's of acceptable quality.

That's all for now...