Wednesday, September 27, 2006

So here we are, the first proper 2nd update of the week.

I should say - as people have been concerned - The Process is DOWN. Well, the Process forums are. So, don't

Item One: There's not really another way to do this - FMG/Growth but it requires an Amaz0ns registration to see.

Item Two: Art Assassin's DA site. Some grea BE, TF themed art.

Item Three: Another DA site, MATL - plenty of FMG.

Item Four: Busty She-Hulk.

Item Five: Big Barda by Yatz... Buff.

Item Six: Busty She-Hulk.

Item Seven
: Somewhat more realistic She-Hulk.

Item Eight: Ah, classic FMG/Growth/BE goodness from Lingster in his old tale "Mighty Morphin' Amazon Cheerleaders". Great stuff.

Item Nine: A female Jekyll and Hyde style TF with a bit of a twist.

Item Ten: LH art... great if you love FMG - you'll love this.

Item Eleven: Another FMG DA site from Bass Ash.

Item Twelve: Here's Dimension Hopping again - more BE goodness.

Item Thirteen: Here's something from the guy behind Dimension Hopping - a bunch of options and when you hit the target, he draws it. Not bad, eh?

Item Fourteen: Alternate design for She-Hulk.

Item Fifteen
: She-Hulk and her cousin chillin'.

Item Sixteen: Here's a Japanese FMG site.

Item Seventeen: I'm not sure what this is. Some kind of Japanese catgirls and maybe FMG, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Item Eighteen: CarlT brought this up recently over at the BEA. Superheroine morphing contest.


Item Twenty: FMG poser.

Item Twenty One: I could be mistaken but this She-Hulk looks like She Giant Artist's work.

Item Twenty Two: Another redesign of She-Hulk.

Item Twenty Three: I don't know who this is, or where this is from but WHOOOOEEEE TITTTIES!

That's all for now, see you again on Sunday.

End Transmission.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A lot of stuff to cover this week... but first a few announcements.

As I've mentioned, the blog might be getting a piece of the web to call its own... not sure how that's going to work out but in any event, I'll be moving to a twice weekly update format. Sunday and Wednesday.

To whet your appetite for next Sunday I shall tell you this... I'll be publishing an interview with Mammabliss AND a full review of the various Mammabliss sites.

Are there any artists or pixel pushers out there that would like to do me a small favour? I've zero artistic ability (it may even be negative) but I'd rather like a proper banner and mascot for the site. Hey, we might even make it a competition. There's an idea... Details here.

Oh yeah - I know I promised an interview with Mr. HHH this week but... there's a lot of stuff to get through and I want to pace myself... there are, after all, a finite number of people to interview. So, we'll have to put Mr. HHH on some other time.

And the last thing to say before I start... the blog has passed 250,000 hits. Hooray. Let's roll.

Item One: Let's start out with a nice piece of Growth from Archangel Dreadnought.

Item Two: BE + B2E in sprite form.

Item Three: Growth/FMG gif.

Item Four: A pretty awesome FMG/TF morph from zeromager.

Item Five: CATFIGHT! Wonder Woman vs. Ms. Marvel.

Item Six: A pretty buff She-Hulk.

Item Seven: A very healthy looking Powergirl.

Item Eight: Oh, we have some more Powergirl looking pretty healthy again.

Item Nine: How about another Deviant Art site? Anyone that has read the start of Chocolate Milkmaid will recognise this art.

Item Ten: More Powergirl - gasp, will she usurp She-Hulk this week :O

Item Eleven: Erotic Juice BE - manga that involves BE and some PE.

Item Twelve: All Mighty Gremlyn's DA... plenty of sexy superheroines there and great art.

Item Thirteen: Louis LeClerc with a great deal of mainly anthro huge boobs.

Item Fourteen: A pretty beefy looking She-Hulk.

Item Fifteen: Another one of She-Hulk looking pretty ripped.

Item Sixteen: A camgirl - with huge boobs, eh?

Item Seventeen: God Spell - CG GTS.

Item Eighteen
: I have a feeling this excellent superheroine piece was done by Fasola.

Item Nineteen: Verdelux returns to do another great piece of She-Hulk work.

Item Twenty: Magic Star Academy BE manga.

Item Twenty One
: TRC found this hilarious piece - werewolf in a woman's prison, it is more likely to make you laugh than anything.

Item Twenty Two: Dark Goth She-Hulk by Greg Nichols - ace.

Item Twenty Three: She-Hulk vs. Titania!

Item Twenty Four: She-Hulk vs. Titania again - both of these found by Fasola.

Item Twenty Five: FMG DA LGART. WTF, eh?

Item Twenty Six: 3 GTS reposts from Sour Oblivion.

Item Twenty Seven: Ninja Sonic and some largish bouncing anime boobs.

Item Twenty Eight: Some talk show tits tanks to TallGeese4US.

Item Twenty Nine: A mystery manga - BE.

Item Thirty: A wonderful piece of video. FBB sporting a She-Hulk look.

Item Thirty One: A piece of bicep FMG.

Item Thirty Two: Ubermensch Manic has produced an EIGHT page sequence that is now available for sale.

Item Thirty Three: W-body - AP/BE manga.

Item Thirty Four: Here's a bone for preggers fans - one of these fashionable new sequential pieces, showing a woman progressing through 9 months of pregnancy in time-lapse.

Item Thirty Five: Superheroine groupshot, including She Hulk, Big Barda, Wonder Woman... all your favourite "good girls".

Item Thirty Six: Queen of the ring. Buff.

Item Thirty Seven: Cutesy She-Hulk.

Item Thirty Eight: Sultry She-Hulk.

Item Thirty Nine: FMG fan WeirdWolfCA's little piece of the internet.

Item Forty: Anime AP.

Item Forty One: The inevitable FMG in webcomic Scary Go Round.

Item Forty Two: Excellent stuff from WOOT in BE3 cola.

Item Forty Three: What's with all the She-Hulk vs Titania stuff this week? Can't they just get along?

Item Forty Four: Mija Demon BE animation - bit down the page.

Item Forty Five: Some lovely BE from Sponge.

Item Forty Six: Potent Mineral Water - BE animation.

Item Forty Seven: Super Cup Bra - 2 page BE manga.

Item Forty Eight: Here's an Addventure thread - a dress that gets smaller AND makes a girl's breasts bigger. It's Katherine and the Dress.

That's all for this week... Just a reminder - the next update will be on WEDNESDAY. I'm trying to space it out, although I imagine that given the universe's sense of humour, there will be barely enough for one update.

End transmission.