Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Friends, Romans, countrymen - I come not to praise The Process but to bury it... well, actually it was pretty great but anyway.

It would be remiss to not mention the loss of what was probably the beating heart of the TF community and indeed, a substantial part of several other fetishes. While Lorekeep has not written off the chances of his (and the site's) return, it seems that for the foreseeable future The Process is down.

Perhaps fortuitiously in conjunction with the dreamy Mr. HHH from TOF, there may well be something similar in the weeks to come. Anyone that wants to help with coding or such can get in contact with me by the usual channels.

And before proceeding to this week's slim pickings, I'd like to thank the ever diligent ZeFly and AlexG who seemingly scour the internet day and night for hot superheroines and also, Lingster, Kris Overstreet and Mamabliss who both gave me front page linkitude, which lead to a good ten thousand hits on Monday.

Item One: Karbo DA site - lots of TF stuff.

Item Two: Mikazuki-dono's DA site - FMG.

Item Three: Red Silver Aritst's DA site - FMG.

Item Four: A video preview of XX-cel.

Item Five: A DDR style game where the better you are, the bigger the girl (anthro) gets. Growth/FMG. Unless you're keen on bleeding fingers - I suggest easy.

Item Six: Super Temps is a webcomic about superpowered individuals - one of the female characters kind of does a Hulk thing when irritated. FMG.

Item Seven: REIQ renders Ivy from Soul Calibre with an ample bosom.

Item Eight: Your old friend She-Hulk (colour).

Item Nine: She-Hulk (B&W).

Item Ten: If you haven't recently, worth checking out Sitiofan. Great videos of Pandora Peaks and Orit Fox have recently been posted.

Item Eleven: Ah, Thundra!

Item Twelve: Thundra(cats) ho!

Item Thirteen: She-Hulk & Powergirl...

Item Fourteen: A little BE sequence.

Item Fifteen: Graphic Brat's DA site, all kinds of hot toon type of characters.

Item Sixteen: Powergirl.

Item Seventeen: More Powergirl.

Item Eighteen: There's Powergirl again.

Item Nineteen: Wonder Woman, Manic style - spinning, transforming and yours for £1 (excluding P&P).

Item Twenty: An FMG video on my archnemesis - Rapidshare.

That's all I have for you today and until something resembling The Process returns (and rest assured, I will be doing my utmost to ensure that happens as quickly as possible), do expect the pickings to be slim. I'll also be seeing if I can get an interview out of Lorekeep for Saturday. Until then, enjoy the pornosphere.

Oh yeah, there's a slightly new Picasa out - Google picture management stuff - which I personally think is top notch for organising porn on the long winter nights. Link in the sidebar. Oh which reminds me, I tidied up the sidebar and removed Litch Art and Gammarai's site - both of which have gone offline. Anyone with any info on what happened to Gammarai's site do tell... though, I suspect it's due to her her unfortunate health...

End Transmission.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ahoy hoy. The Process is still down - and will be until the guy who can push the reset button or something returns. So, expect slim pickings until the forum returns. I'll do my best but I can't promise miracles and if I could - they'd be water into wine and I'd be drunk right now.

Anyway, here are the links and down at the bottom - interview of Mamabliss and review of the sites and - and don't forget that if you care to make an attempt at a mascot or banner for the blog details are here. Now, read on stranger.

Item One: Mass Reactor - FMG site.

Item Two: Sophie Howard - big boobs video.

Item Three: Giant BOOBS.

Item Four: Eklips's BE DA stuff.

Item Five: Slider's DA account - mild FMG.

Item Six: Ivan11422 with art and photoshop TF goodness.

Item Seven: More YouTube tits.

Item Eight: POWERGIRL!

Item Nine: Red Sonja.

Item Ten: Another Powergirl.

Item Eleven: Diane Poppos talking about her boobs.

Item Twelve: Caitlin Fairchild.

Item Thirteen
: More Powergirl.

Item Fourteen: Zena Fulsome.

Item Fifteen: How much stuff can you fit in cleavage? Have a look at this video.

Item Sixteen: A new picture of Tetsuko by DCM - FMG.

Item Seventeen: Rocki Mountains talks about her breasts on Sally Raphael.

Item Eighteen: Big Asian boobs on YouTube.

Item Nineteen: Old BNGuy cap of "Maliboobs" BE.

Item Twenty: Plenty Uptopp on a talkshow.

Item Twenty One: Breasts and Beyond... more of a teasing boob video than anything.

Item Twenty Two: Manic does a TF picture of "She-Thing".

Item Twenty Three: Anyone that has read "Black Tapesteries" should probably know of Kaerwyn. Some werewolf TF for ya.

And here we have the INTERVIEW WITH MAMABLISS.

Prophet Tenebrae: Ok, hi Mamabliss.

Mamabliss: Greetings Prophet Tenebrae

PT: I suppose the question that has to come first... how did you happen upon the small part of the 'net that is BE and TF?

M: To be honest when I started out I had no idea TF existed as a genre. It had to be sorta explained in detail. That’s true of a lot of stuff I've done online. At the very bottom of it there’s some rather enthusiastic individual pushing for it at some time....

My Vore stuff which I had a pretty good run with was definitely the work of a certain 'Frostbyte' of the old

PT: So, you're more a hero for hire than an amateur turned pro?

M: Well, if I do something and I get a good response I do more.... I'm just talking about that initial... initialisation of the process

PT: Ah, yet another message to the silent majority to actually get off their leeching backsides and tell people that they like work then?

M: Heh... well I’m not sure about that. The surprising thing about the TF work I’ve done is how good a response I’ve gotten with it. for what is certainly not a very widespread sorta genre.

PT: The TF community is probably relatively small as fetish communities go but it can boast some very dedicated fans.

M: From the very beginning it was like BOOM - 'wow, they like this stuff ^^. As opposed to say my more mainstream furry work that I’ve continued mainly outta stubbornness.

PT: So, you'd say that your driving force is praise?

M: well, sort of.... praise as expressed in people subscribing to my lil subscription stuffs ^^ I've found people are much more willing to express themselves that way then like speaking publicly on the subject. is the best starting point for people unfamiliar with my work.

PT: you've probably met more than your fair share of negative reactions in the community. what do you have to say to your critics?

M: Hmm... I'm not sure about that, there was some initial scepticism about the 'paysite' thing...

PT: I think all paysites meet with initial distaste... mainly because people don't like paying for what they're used to getting free.

M: ...but once i'd done it for a while an people realised I was still posting stuff publicly I think people got used to the idea

Well, most of the people who 'read' my stuff get it for free or subscribe once or so to read all the old stuff system seems to work ok.

PT: Actually, the critics I'm thinking of are those of your quite distinctive artistic style.

M: Ahh... the 'I can’t tell what’s going on in these pictures' response.

PT: Exactly.

M: I don’t really understand that... from my viewpoint I'm just drawing stuff... and as long as some people appreciate it that’s what matters.... I'm better off focussing on them then trying to change my style.

PT: I'd say your style was esoteric but not incomprehensible... and I think for every artist there will be a dozen people who will go on about how they hate that artist... so it's admirable that you don't let it get you down.

M: Yep, it seems more important to keep up a good flow of art than anything else....

PT: Any upcoming projects you'd like to tell us about?

M: I've been out of commission for the past week or so but I'm gonna be trying out a slightly different format when i start up again. I haven’t been entirely happy with how my stuff has been going. Gonna be trying it more as an art blog posting a mix of sketches and art and comics onna semi daily basis. Sort of an 'art feed'. RSS is cool^^

I think my work may have been suffering lately from my not 'seeing what it looks like on the page' as it were... Since I've been uploading stuff and having it update automatically.

PT: It takes everyone a little while to get used to new technology.

Finally, any long time patrons, fans or supporters that you'd care to pay tribute to?

M: Well, I'd like to thank the TF an BE fans in general for their support. Heh, good job on the fan-age. I'm still here an drawing stuff

PT: Thanks, Mamabliss - it has been a pleasure.

How was that? Good, bad? Do feel free to send in suggestions for potential interviewees and questions for them... now, here's my review of Mamabliss' sites... and are the BE and TF sites of artist Mamabliss and the ones that I’ll be reviewing as they’re the two active and pertinent sites running from the portal site Beyond content, they’re both practically identical in layout and format.

There’s a lot to be said for the simplicity of design. No long load times for frivolous graphics, no struggling to find things. It’s all just in the archives (which are the pay area of the site) and between the two sites, there is certainly a lot of stuff there and a great variety.

Naturally, artistic preferences will vary from person to person but I think that Mamabliss is probably something that everyone could learn to like. The only real issue I have with the art is that occasionally, some of the text isn’t entirely legible. That’s not really a problem very often though and the dialogue isn’t generally of VITAL importance.

Perhaps the most relevant thing to say here is this. While many sites will try and diminish your appetite with page after page of filler, Mambliss really only deals with main course. It’s really just sequence after sequence after sequence. Fastidious fellow that I am, I set about going through as much of the material as I could and there is a LOT of it and naturally, as we’re all fans of the process itself that’s our bread and butter.

That, coupled with the fact that there is a great deal of variety in the subject matter and execution makes the sites worth checking out at least once – there’s a lot to see and any fan would do well to tap this large resource of material.

The only issue I had with the site was that occasionally the links were broken but that was only a couple of pages out of literally hundreds... Other than that the simplicity of the site is a big plus and the art is plentiful, imaginative, peppered with humour a good mix of straight growth/BE/TF and of course, more hardcore stuff for you people that like it. And of course everything from lactation to superheroines to FMG werewolves and Amazonic huge boobed women with men at their mercy. Great stuff.

There we go.

Don't forget to give the contest a look if you're artistically inclined.

End transmission.