Sunday, July 09, 2006


Item One: Eegore is still around and he's produced this lovely picture of Stunner.

Item Two: Some TF videos.

Item Three: The return of the manga list - essentially a reposting of Sutibaru's.

Item Four: FMG from pdubage... fairly developed by the end, some debatable BE too.

Item Five: Some BE manga found by acme.

Item Six: The AP from Angel Blade capped by Sutibaru.

Item Seven: She-Hulk/Titania pic from Yatz.

Item Eight: Some crazy Japanese page about boobs found by Kojiro Highwind.

Item Nine: Some more CGI boobs from Boobrepli.

Item Ten: She-Hulk, found by AlexG.

Item Eleven: "Training BE" found by Sutibaru.

Item Twelve: BE gif made by Miranada Leigh.

Item Thirteen: A medley of Teen Titan transformation stuff you might have seen before.

Item Fourteen: Transformation sequence by Ivan.

Item Fifteen: Some kind of ogre transformation found by The Money.

And I suppose it's worth mentioning that WLP (minus Stellar which is on a short break) and Stone Of Adventure updated as usual... That's it.

End Transmission.